This teacher however is hands down my least favorite swim teacher of M's. She doesn't have a whole lot of personality and doesn't quite seem like she's enjoying herself. The other thing was, on the first or second day of swim class (I was recording with my video camera... mamarazzi) and she pushed him back to the side of the pool and without paying attention pulled the next student out to work on something. Well, he didn't make it to the side, he has a hard time reaching it and was spinning around in circles, getting tired and his head was dipping under water... he was getting panicked. I was just about to go and rescue him when she noticed. He started crying and needed a couple of minutes to get himself together on the steps. Well, I'm not too much of a paranoid parent (OK, maybe a little) but to me that is completely unacceptable. What if she would have been working with the other child for a minute or two (which she often does) and not have noticed him. I just had to look at the video tape to see how long it was. It was 30 SECONDS. OK, I know that doesn't sound like much but really just think about how long 30 seconds is if you count it out and if you are panicking and feeling like you're drowning!! I know what you're thinking... why didn't I go and help him? She was looking right at him, I thought for sure she saw him or something. Well, I'm all about learning from your mistakes so I let that one go... but it happened again on Wednesday. This time not as long but it still worried me so on Thursday I said something to her (very nicely) about please making sure he gets to the side safely before she takes another student out. She replied kind of snotty with "OK." Whatever, she can have attitude if she wants to. This is MY KID. I know he's probably not going to drown but I don't want him to be so scared and lose his trust that he doesn't want to get in again. Seriously... it is her job right?
A cool shot of him jumping into the pool. He really gets those feet off the ground.

K too... just see how fun her teacher is?


Yeah, he can get out by himself now!!
Where O' where is K?
There she is! Loving every minute of swim class. She'll do anything the teacher asks her to do.

Went for drinks tonight at The Club with Monte and Dyan. Had fun as usual.
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