I wanted to keep the kids busy all day today so I decided to drive to Sonoma to visit Brian at work. M was super excited all last night about going. We played around in the apparatus room, saw where Brian sleeps, visited the shop outside to see the Chief's Car and had lunch with him before heading home. The kids (and I) had an absolute ball. I took tons of pictures and had to narrow it down to these.
Taken with the self timer... the color and quality of the picture is terrible. I'm not very good at it yet but I love that we're all in the picture together and very happy. I couldn't believe the kids were both looking.

A good one Brian took of K and I in the backseat of the fire engine.

M in the drivers seat.

Daddy's red helmet (captain's helmet). It was so heavy, M had a hard time holding his head up so Daddy helped.
K in the drivers seat. I couldn't believe how much fun she had. She was just as into it as M was, if not more. She was Daddy's shadow following him wherever he went. Tonight before bed, she asked to go there again.

Daddy and K sharing a big laugh. She does this thing now where she wrinkles her nose up and makes this funny sound (which I can't describe) when she laughs.

Brian and the kids played some music in his room before we left.

When we got home we met Dyan, Monte, MaryAnn (Monte's Mom) and the kids at the pool. It was fun but believe it or not a little chilly outside. K kept wanting to go in the hot-tub. Neither of the kids wanted anything to do with me. Bummer. They love Dyan and played with her the whole time. Sorry Dyan, I guess I'm boring. Dyan used to teach swim classes (a long time ago) and worked with M a little. He sure did good for her, I think she does as good of a job if not better than the swim teachers we have had. They start swim classes together tomorrow. We'll see how that goes.
The big question... to cut K's mullet or let it grow? I love being able to pull her hair completely up into a pony tail but when it's down she looks a lot like Billy Ray Cyrus and just ragged looking. Should I just cut a little off? Maybe that would make her hair curl a little more... she has a lot of curl in it. Or leave it and put it up all the time? It never stays well though. Any input appreciated.
Off to go to bed... and I have to set an alarm!! I love the evening shift... the only alarm clocks I ever have are M and K.
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