This morning I had to get up super early... I had class at
UC Davis Medical Center. I had to take both kids to daycare/preschool in Woodland. K was dropped off at 6:45 am and M at 7:00 am, the earliest they open. Then I had to race back to Sacramento (about 20 miles) and make it to class by 8:00 am. I made it, but I was a little rushed. I feel like in regards to my job I've been just kind of in a rut for the past few years. I've been so busy being pregnant or being a mommy that I felt like I didn't have time for anything else (and I still don't). I've been in ER for the last 15 years so I think I'm suffering a little burn-out. But, they have been having a lot of good classes and certifications at work because we received a designation as a trauma center and will start taking trauma patients at the beginning of the year. We're the first Kaiser facility to be a trauma center and they are building a huge new wing, new
OR's, a new ICU and a helipad. They are also buying us many state of the art new toys. (Kaiser will spring for anything) We get some easier trauma cases now and get quite a bit of penetrating trauma from the home-boy ambulance (dropped off by their buddies). It's exciting to be part of something this big from the ground up and I really feel like they want out input and truly want to make this a success. I'm not necessarily super excited about the trauma patients... I've worked in a trauma center before. It's not that challenging as a nurse (truly sick medical patients are much more difficult), it's bloody and dirty, and the patients tend to be drunk or gang-bangers or all around not the best people to care for. I am excited for the change though and hopefully I'll learn a thing or too (I'm sure I will) because I think this will be a much better experience than I had in Santa Rosa. I'm sure I'll have some good stories to tell.
Some funnies. When I went in to wake M up this morning he said "mom, I can't get my eyes to open." He was so cute... of course K was already awake and in my bed.
Tonight before bed I asked M what makes him happy. He said, "you, daddy, Roscoe, choo-choo's and that's it." I said what about K? After a big long pause (and some thinking) he said, "her too." Stinker.
K and M had their last swim lesson tonight (for the summer). Yeah. I'm ready to have our evenings back again. They both got a certificate from their instructors and K was so proud or hers she insisted on holding it all evening. If she sat it down somewhere she'd say "where's my card?"
A couple of pictures taken with the self-timer of M and I with our craft projects. We made these yesterday.

See ya, Melissa
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