
Saturday, December 18, 2010

Fun times with Aunt Sue

My sister, Sue came up a few weeks ago to get me through some tough times.  She is always there when I need her and I am so thankful.  She did my laundry, housework, went to appointments with me and even did a craft project with K for her school.  BIG thanks. 

They had to decorate a Christmas Tree and return it to school.

She looks like she's deep in thought in this one.

Group picture.  Mason did one also.

K colors and writes all day.  I found this one in the garbage but rescued it because it's so cute!  Our entire family ... cats and dogs and all.

K funny.  While in the car the the other day, K said, "Be sure we don't have a fire on Christmas so Santa can come down the chimney."  I reassured her that Santa Claus is magic and would still find a way to get in either way.  Then she said, "What if I have to go potty in the middle of the night?"  I told her she better be quick because if there are any creatures stirring, Santa won't come in.  She thought for a moment and then said, "But what if I have to go poop and it takes a long time?"  Cute, huh?

1 comment:

~she~ said...

So cute! I hope she doesn't end up holding it in too long out of fear of discovering Santa!