
Monday, June 9, 2008

Discovery Kingdom

Today M and I met my friend Amy (and her friends and family) at Discovery Kingdom in Vallejo. We worked the night shift together at Coalinga Regional Medical Center years ago. (my hometown) We used to have so much fun around there at night too. It was a slow ER so we watched movies, played games and just hung out a lot the time. (Boy, do I miss that ER) I decided to leave K at Willy's because it's just too hard to take both of them somewhere like that by myself (out-numbered) and she is too small for most of the rides anyways. M is becoming quite the little daredevil. He rode a ton of rides and wasn't scared once... all kids rides though. Then I took him on the Whitewater Rafting ride (the circular-tube thing that you go down the rapids on) and he loved it. We got drenched and he was giggling the entire time. After we got off he said "I want to go on that again!!" At bedtime tonight we were laying in bed and talking I asked him what the favorite part of the day was and he said he really liked the train ride. I said "oh, the Thomas the Train Ride" and he said "no the one you ride on to get the the place." WHAT, so I could have saved myself the $$$, paid for the parking and just taken him on the Tram ride? Silly boy.

All of us on the Bertie the Bus ride (Amy is in the black shirt on the right).

The girls and Bugs Bunny.

M is thrilled with Bugs Bunny as you can see (this was forced).

This morning M said "Mom, do your eyes close like this when you yawn?" As he was demonstrating a squinting like motion with his eyes. Then he said, "mine do." Made me laugh.

Swim classes are going well, the Parent-Tot teacher said K is ready for real swim lessons. She's unbelievable. She's jumping in off the side now and can monkey crawl around on the sides. She loves every minute of it too. The only thing that makes me nervous is when she jumps in from the side she barely jumps and almost hits the back of her head on the side of the pool. Of course, she doesn't want to hold my hand or let me help her at all. "I do it myself!!" Today I had to insist she hold on to my hands so I could pull her out further into the water. After class we practiced jumping out further on dry land. M is doing much better also... he's getting more comfortable floating and putting his face underwater. He's enjoying himself more during class also.

M and I had a strange conversation about death and dying on the way to Willy's. He said "why did your daddy die, mommy?" I'm not sure where that came from, and it really threw me for a loop. Then he wanted to know where, when and if I was there. Over and over. I tried to explain the best that I could but he really doesn't understand much at the age of 4. I told him he just wasn't healthy. So then M said "what was he eating?" He probably said that because I always try to explain and coerce him to eat right so he'll "be healthy". After about 5 minutes (I was thankful that the conversation was over) he said "did your Daddy die from a rattlesnake bite?" I'm careful in what I tell him because I've always heard that you don't want to explain too much because they may then become fearful of losing you or dying themselves.

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