
Wednesday, May 27, 2009

K's First Dentist Appointment

K had her first check-up and cleaning this week. She couldn't have been more excited about it. You would have thought we were going to Chuck E. Cheese or something. She told everyone she saw before and after her appointment. My kids are strange ... they actually like going to the doctor. Probably because they've never been too sick or had anything traumatic done. She wasn't scared at all. A few weeks ago she went with M so she knew exactly what was going to happen and we go to a Pediatric dental office that is great. If interested, it's called Children's Choice. I regretted not taking pictures of M during his first appointment so I just had to take some pictures of K during hers.

Waiting her turn. (in her dance outfit because we just left her class)

Getting her teeth cleaned. She watched The Lion King and chose grape toothpaste.

Showing me her clean teeth. We were waiting for the Doctor to come in and "count" her teeth. She has 20 teeth which are all of her baby teeth.

X-Ray time.

The kids have been excellent lately. They have been listening to me and getting along quite well. as well as helping me out a little bit more around the house. I took them to Discovery Kingdom yesterday (Brian was working). The weather was going to be hot here in Sacramento and my house was clean so I didn't want to stay at home because they will just mess it up and it makes me crazy. I love having Season Passes. Even if we just stay a few hours, it's worth it. We ended up staying until about 4:30 pm. By the time we got home, we were all exhausted. M's approx 40 pounds, K's about 33 and the stroller weighs at least 20 pounds. So I pushed about 100 pounds around ALL DAY ... not to mention, there are tons of hill there. They especially loved the whale show, the sharks (as always) and M loved the butterfly habitat. He is so much like me. He insisted I take more pictures of them. I had to drag him out of there because K was trying to get out.

We love the book, 'Where the Sidewalk Ends' by Shel Silverstein. It's a collection of funny poems and drawings. Last night before bed, M found his "favorite one" and insisted I read it. This says a lot. Here it is.


One sister for sale! One sister for sale! One crying and spying young sister for sale! I'm really not kidding. So who'll start the bidding? Do I hear a dollar? A nickel? A penny? Oh, isn't there, isn't there, isn't there any One kid who will buy this old sister for sale, This crying and spying young sister for sale?

He did hug and kiss her before bed last night without being asked to. K told me the older day out of the blue, "M don't like me." He does, I know that but everything has to be on his terms.

M came downstairs this morning and said, "I'm parched!" He has been so funny lately.

More later ... I'm enjoying my day today without kiddos. I'm sure it'll fly by!

1 comment:

The Esslinger Family said...

I am so impressed that she did so awesome at the dentist! Dax has been twice but still no way will he sit in the chair to let the Dentist take a look and forget about the xrays!! Way to go!!