Sorry I've been away from the blogging world. We were on vacation last week. Came home on Saturday and then I worked Sunday and Monday. Phew.
My day was crazy as usual ... I'm toooo tired to sort through the 741 pictures I took while on vacation and blog them. Just can't do it. Misty is coming into town tomorrow night and we fly out to Vegas on Friday morning so I won't be able to catch up with blogging until next week. Ugh.
0630 - Wake up and get ready.
0715 - K's already awake, wake M up
0800 - Run out the door to drop M off at school. It's Walking Wednesday and he won't miss it.
0830 - Check K in at school. Stressed. Must be at the dentist (30 minutes away) by 9:15. In traffic. CRAZY DRIVER but made it in time.
1030 - Tell the dentist that I have to go. ("1 hour appt"). Run out the door.
1045 - Made time for Starbucks. Famished ... haven't had time to eat.
1120 - Drop presciption off at Walgreens (dental stuff) so I don't have to take 2 crazy kids 2 times!
1130 - Volunteer at M's school until 1315
1320 - Drive 3 silly 6 year olds home (carpool). Pick up K.
1340 - Back to Walgreens to pick up prescription.
1415 - Home. Finally ... a little downtime.
1530 - Homework with M. Fun, fun.
1630 - Early dinner. Nothin' fancy.
1700 - Soccer gear ... shin guards, cleats, ball, water, etc.
1715 - Out the door.
1900 - Back from soccer.
1915 - Bath-time for 2 stinky kiddos.
1930 - I read to them. M reads to us.
2010 - Teeth and bedtime.
2015 - Pack lunches and get his backpack ready for tomorrow.
2045 - Ahhh, finally time for ME.
Will blog more next week. Resting. Tomorrow isn't any better.