
Friday, August 27, 2010

Cat and Mouse

Each time I open the door to the garage, Lucy tries to run out there.  Well, today I said forget it and left her out in the garage for a little while (actually forgot she was out there until I heard her meow).  Well, after I picked M up from school today, he was walking into the garage and told me he saw a dead mouse on the ground.  Now I think I know why Lucy always wants to go out there.  Well, he asked me what we were going to do with it and I told him it freaked me out to pick it up.  He said, "I'll do it.  Give me a spatula and a bag."  What?!?  My little one that used to be afraid of everything?  I guess he's rapidly becoming the man of the house when dads away.  We laughed and giggled and he kept telling me to hold the bag but I was afraid he would touch me with it so I laid it down on the ground and whattayaknow ... he did it by himself.  And through it in the garbage.  We definitely got a good laugh out of it afterwards.  He said, "I never, ever want to do that again."

He's such a sweet boy though ... before bed he said, "You know Mom, even though I don't really like mice, I don't like to see them get killed.  It makes me kind of sad."  I explained empathy and told him I was glad he felt that way ... I'm so proud of him.

His crazy face before going into the garage.  (totally unsolicited)  Notice the large spoon instead of the spatula.  We needed the spatula for our lasagna dinner!

Eeeeeeeew.  Poor little Jerry.

You almost got it, buddy.

No way am I holding that bag for him.

It's been a long, long week.  The kids have had school and then swim and soccer in the evenings.  Run, run all day.  Poor M looked so tired this morning and boy was he grouchy.  We decided to take it easy tonight and have a full fledged pajama party and movie night.  The kids were super-excited.  We played play-doh and games and then I brought out the airbed for the movie.  I darkened the room, turned on the home theater system, comfy bedding and pillows and we all put our jammies on.  About half-way through the movie (Cats and Dogs) I popped some popcorn with chocolate chips in it.  Yum.  The kids just picked them out though.  It was relaxing and wonderful.  The kids both told me a few times before bed how much fun it was. 

We have the big soccer seeding tournament tomorrow for both kids.  4 games for M and 3 for K.  Of course, at different parks but at least close in proximity to each other.  We'll see how that goes.  Wonderful weather ... a high of 71 degrees in Sacramento in August!  Unheard of.  A friend of mine has 2 kids playing at two different fields but about 20 minutes away from each other.  She also has a baby and her hubby will be working all day.  Not sure how she's going to do that! 

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