
Sunday, May 23, 2010

Fun around the house

I bought each of the kids a canvas to paint on while at Michaels.  So when the family was in town for M's birthday, we set up outside and let them paint.  They had a great time and I like them so much, I'm going to hang them in the craft room. 

My sister helped them.

K and I got the Easy-Bake Oven out the other day while M was in school.  The old Easy-Bakes worked so much better ... like the ones I used to play with.  (you could get a 3rd degree burn from those, though)

We made sugar cookies.  K was supposed to take one upstairs to Brian but I heard her giggling on the way up.  She said, "I ate his!"  Shocker ... I never would have expected that from her.  Yeah, right.


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