
Tuesday, January 19, 2010

Remember me????

Sorry for the lack of posting ... I don't know what's been going on with me lately.  I've been fighting off a cold and have just been lazy lately.  Called in sick to work yesterday.  I haven't taken any pictures recently either.  My problem is that I have too many hobbies and not enough time (and too many chores).  I am currently working on crocheting a scarf, Knifty Knitter, working on last years blog book and reading Twilight (after the urging of many of my friends).  So ... when I get a free moment, I have a hard time deciding what to do with my time. 

I have also been busy hanging out with my new neighbor and friend, Misty.  We have a lot of things in common and have been having a great time.  We talk daily and get together as often as we can.  They moved here from Texas in late November.  We met at the park just before Christmas and started hanging out and talking just after New Years.  She's a nurse also and her husband is in culinary school.  He's been busy cooking for us since we met and Misty even delivered ribs to my house one night when Brian was working ... perfect neighbors, huh?  They are fun.  Her daughter goes to the same school as M so we are able to carpool and our kids get along great.  It's made me a happier person, for sure. 

K's had the cutest things to say lately.  She started coughing again the other day and while sitting at the table said, "Dad .... guess who's back?  The germs!" 

It's a very stormy day here and on the way to school this morning she said, "I wish I could just go up in the sky and turn the rain off!" 

M said something funny also.  "Hey Mom, I NEED to watch Dinosaur Train now."  I asked why he NEEDED to and he threw his arms up in the air, gave me his crazy eyes and said, "Duh, I'm going to be a Paleontologist!"  Sorry ... research I guess.  While watching it he'll chatter about which dinosaurs are herbivores, carnivores or omnivores.  It's a crack-up.

Working today so I need to go and get showered.  What's a post without a picture??  Here are a few cute ones.

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