
Monday, February 3, 2014

Sorry ...

The kids love playing board games as do we.  After Brian's suggestion, I went to Target and got Sorry and we finally have a game that we all love.  So fun.

I think he's actually helping her out.  Good thing I caught this on camera.  ;-)

So, Brian insists that we all keep playing even after someone has one because what is really important is not being the "Ultimate Loser".  The one that comes in last.  As you can see, for this game, it was me.

Mason cracking up at something. 

And Dad is the "Ultimate Loser" now.  As of yet, the kids have won every game.  Cheaters!  Just kidding.

Family time at home (when we're all off) is my favorite ... as long as I don't have to cook dinner.  I'm a great cleaner-upper though.  Maybe one day I'll take a cooking class .... ugh, probably not.  Thank goodness Brian is a great cook.  Even though it makes me sad at times, that the kids are growing up so fast, they are a lot of fun to be around lately.  They keep us on our toes .... and laughing.

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