
Tuesday, February 9, 2010

Scooter time

Since I've met Misty, we've been hanging out outside a lot more (which has been wonderful).  A (Misty's daughter) rides her scooter often and helped M learn how to ride.  Now he's hooked and both M and K have gotten really good at it.  Misty and I even ride around on occasion.  I'm sure I'll end up breaking a wrist or something!! 

Woo-hoo!  He's since gotten a new scooter.  The handlebars weren't adjustable on this one and were too tall for him.

Not sure what she was saying here ... I'm sure it was something bossy because she has her hand on her hip.

K uses M's old Spiderman Scooter and doesn't mind it at all.

A and M.

She's going to be very good ... she's fearless.

M said a cute thing to Brian while he was tucking him in last night.  He said, "Dad, you're really fun to play with ..... BUT Jack is really, really fun to play with.

The kids were in the bathtub the other day and I walked in with my hair in an ugly ponytail on the top of my head (I had just cleaned my face).  M took one look at me and said, "You're hair is JACKED UP!"  Both kids cracked up.  He is too much.

K said, "Mom, why are all the songs that get stuck in my head the songs that I don't like?" 

M has been tender hearted lately.  We read a book about endangered species tonight and after I was done he said, "I don't like that book ... it made me sad."

I got the cutest video footage of M tonight.  He said the Pledge of Allegiance perfectly and then chatted about everything from the continents, slavery, Abe Lincoln, school, Star Wars and on and on.  We talked for 20 minutes.  I asked him what his favorite thing about school was and he said, "I can't say getting out right?  That doesn't count."  Then he said, "I guess math ... you always get to watch a video."  I'm going to try to interview the kids before bed once a week.  It warmed my heart.

Beware.  I'm going to vent now.  Why do I feel like I work and work around here all day and yet my house is always a cluttered mess?  Everything is disorganized.  I'm tired.  Very tired.  I guess I need to start working out again because I am just exhausted all the time.  I look around and I just feel overwhelmed.  I would love to have more time to PLAY with my kids but I feel like all I ever do is housework and chores.  I have so many things that I would like/need to do but there's never enough time to get to it.  I'm going to try to have my kids pitch in a little more ... they make messes in every room and just leave it.  I'm just in a bad mood, I guess.  Frustrated with feeling rush, rushed all the time.  I know, I know ... my problems are little in the grand scheme of things but I just had to vent a little.  I'll be better tomorrow.

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