
Wednesday, August 26, 2009

Why I Blog

I blog to preserve memories for my children and also because it's a hobby that I enjoy. I started working on my blog book several months ago but somehow all of my hard work was lost and couldn't be recovered by Blurb. Well, my Mom is retired now and enjoys doing things like this, so she made the book for me. I just couldn't bear to start it again because I was so frustrated. She finished this about 2 weeks ago and I couldn't be more pleased ... I've read it over and over. Here it is.

M's homework from yesterday. He had to write 1 - 10 five times and continue writing above that if possible. His Teacher said he's doing great other than his handwriting. Brian has horrible handwriting also and struggled with that in elementary school. It took him a LONG time to do this. He really had to focus and concentrate - he even holds his mouth funny because he is concentrating so hard. He's also very easily distracted while doing his homework ... "Mom, why do we have windows up there? Mom, that's a strange light over there, huh?" A million questions. I can tell he's learning and his writing has improved. Today he told me about ABABAB patterns. Each morning when we get to school his Teacher is calling kids over to work with them one on one on their sight words. That impressed me.

Funny story ... Brian packed M's lunch for school on Tuesday and put the empty container back in his lunch box and the sandwich in the refrigerator. I drove him to school yesterday and assumed it was there. When I picked him up he said, "Mom, I don't like squished raspberries and all I had for lunch were Cheez-It's." I asked why he didn't eat his sandwich and he said, "Because it wasn't in there!!!" Then he said when he opened up the container (with his animated voice), "What the ... ?" We giggled so hard over it and couldn't wait to call Brian to tease him.
K has a "Beach Party" at school tomorrow and is so excited. I hope she sleeps tonight. It's been rough. Worse than having a newborn. I better get to be now!!


The Esslinger Family said...

The book looks awesome! Did your mom use Blurb or another website?? I work Sun, Mon, Thurs, Fri, if you are working bring it in again - i am bummed I didn't get to see it last time!!

Diana said...

Missy, your book is amazing!! I am so impressed. I have got to get back on the horse and start writing in mine again.