
Thursday, August 20, 2009

Proud Mommy

M told me that his teacher has started to give Cheetah Bucks (Cheetah is the school mascot) to kids that behave well and he got the first and only one that has been given out so far. You can use the Cheetah Bucks to buy prizes when you get enough. I asked what he did to earn it and he said, "I just sat a read quietly. Not really read but I looked at the book." I'm glad to hear he's been being so good in school because he has been quite the stinker at home lately!! He loves throwing out the fact that he's in Kindergarten now. The other day I asked him how he knew how to do something and he looked at me and said, "Of course I do ... I'm in Kindergarten Mom!" A few random pictures.

He and K run laps around our stairs to get "exercise."

Our latest craft project. I've been on a crafty kick lately. K was old enough to participate in this one. I'm going to get another foamy project for us to do while he's in school because he tries to take over and doesn't let he do much unless I step in. We still had fun though.

Just cracked me up.

While at Target the other day, I stumbled upon the neatest teaching tool. Simple but they work. They are sets of post-it notes with sight words and the alphabet. Each set was $1 and you can find them in the office section. M got the sight words and K got the alphabet. She already knows all of her letters and sounds but I thought she would enjoy putting them on the wall. She LOVES working on letters and constantly asks me what signs say and to be quizzed on letter sounds. M had a great time with this also and has gone back to try to read them again. Getting him to sit down at the table to work on reading and writing is like pulling teeth!! I guess I'll have to try other techniques to get him interested. We'll try to work on these once a day.

Here they are. Click to enlarge.

More later.

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