
Saturday, April 14, 2012

Kyla's Birthday with Friends

Instead of trying to catch up on my blog I've decided to try to stay current and catch up on the older ones when I get time.  It's more difficult to remember and to write about things that happened 3 months ago.  So be sure to scroll down often if you're interested in anything from February and March.  I have a love-hate relationship with my blog lately.  I love looking back on my older posts and how wonderful the blog books turned out but it has been feeling like homework that's always there ... hanging over my head lately.  Maybe it's because I got so behind ... whatever ... I'm not going to let that happen again.  Ok, now on to Kyla's birthday.  Instead of a big party with the entire class, Kyla chose to have a few friends go with us to Sky High Sports (a trampoline place) and The Old Spaghetti Factory.  She had 3 of her friends from her class and one of our neighbor friends go with us.  It was fun, easy and the kids had a great time.  I think Kyla felt very special which is always my goal.

We made cupcakes to take along to The Old Spaghetti Factory.  She chose vanilla rainbow chip cupcakes with pink vanilla frosting.  Yummy.

The birthday girl.

Wow, was she excited to open presents.  Wait until you see these pictures.

She got so many wonderful gifts.  Her favorite's were Lego's, Zoobles, Bratz Dolls, anything Barbie and of course, money.  She took her money and immediately went out and bought a huge Lego set.  She loves them and is so good at it.

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