
Monday, June 25, 2012

Chore time

I came up with a creative idea for getting the kids to do their chores.  I don't ask them to do much of anything but their homework during the school year because they have so much going on with school, sports and homework but in the Summer they need to help out around the house.  They get $5 per week.  

Depending on what needs to be done, I either let them pull 5 sticks (tongue blades) or I pick them out for them.  Some of the chores are picking up dog poop, kitty litter box, watering plants, freebie, garbage, recycling, setting and clearing the table, vacuuming and many more.  It's been WONDERFUL.  I haven't had to nag them at all ... they do a chore and come back to look at the next one ... sometimes running.  Let's see if I can keep this going.

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