Going to try to be better about blogging in 2012. I've been looking through my blog book from 2009 and I wrote SO much. The kids and I have been reading it and they love it.
Before going to bed tonight, I asked the kids a few random questions. Here they are.
Still wants to be a Veterinarian when she grows up.
Birthdays and Birthday Cakes make her REALLY happy.
Her favorite part of school is RECESS.
If she could travel anywhere in the whole wide world, she'd go to Disneyland.
NOTHING makes her feels shy or insecure. (yep, that's her)
Kyla is a much easier child DURING THE DAY. She's generally pleasant to be around. She's helpful and
usually does what's asked of her, the 1st time. She treats Mason well for the most part and often takes his dishes out for him and grabs his jammies when she gets hers, nice things. At night though, it's another ball game. Oh my goodness. I honestly think I got more sleep when she was a newborn (I'm not kidding). She's afraid of the wind, rain, dark ... everything really. She never stays in her bed all night. She often times wakes us up to tuck her in, grab her sleep animal off the floor, because she can't sleep, because she's too sweaty, because she had a nightmare ... the excuses are on and on. We're SO sick of it ... I often can't get back to sleep after she wakes me up. We punish her but nothing really seems to work. As of right now, she's missing 5 of her good toys, she didn't get to play with any electronic today and she had to go to bed early, missing our nightly TV show and books. We'll see how tonight goes.
When is comes to school and homework, she loves it and generally gets good remarks from the Teachers. For some reason, on her recent Progress Report she got a "Needs Improvement" in Physical Education. What? How have I heard nothing of this. She's 5. She says she listens and is a good girl. I'm going to meet with the teacher to see whats going on.
Kyla is still so sweet and loving towards me. I get tons of kisses, hugs and cuddles throughout the day. It's wonderful.
Wants to be an Archaeologist when he grows up.
Lego's and his friend, Jack make him REALLY happy.
His favorite part of school is their Field Day.
If he could travel anywhere in the whole wide world, he'd go to Austria. When I asked him why, he looked
at me and said, "Because they have salt mines there." What? Sometimes he amazes me.
Seeing people that he knows but hasn't seen in a long time makes him feel shy.
Mason could and has slept through smoke alarms, house alarms going off, fire engines coming to our house with lights and sirens (long, funny story), Kyla's screaming (often) and the neighbor's annoying car alarm (ugh). That kid is the best sleeper ever. He never gets up for any reason. If he does, you better believe it's a for real nightmare or an occasional growing pain. BUT, during the day, he is by far my most difficult one. He challenges me, pesters his sister and can all around make my day difficult. Especially during homework time, although he's gotten much better. He is by far the pickiest eater with the sweetest tooth. It's not unusual to have to ask him to do something 3 or 4 times before he actually does it which is THE MOST annoying thing.
On a positive note, Mason has a heart of gold. If I'm upset about something, sick, worried or in some kind of distress, he is right there for me. He's my protector. He's so tender and loving towards Lucy and Roscoe. He CAN'T watch anything sad on TV - it really bothers him. Even to see a dead bug or spider saddens him. He will make the most amazing husband someday ... she'll be a very lucky lady if he turns out to be anything like his father. Brian is the most wonderful husband and father that I've ever seen. I truly mean that.
Mason continues to do great in school. His teachers LOVE him and say they wish they could clone him.
The kids have been getting along much better lately and playing with each other a lot. Some days I feel like they are really getting easier. Then I wake up the next morning to hear them fighting with each other. Ugh. He gets his Lego guys and plays with her and her Littlest Pets. It's adorable to hear them talk.
OK, so I hate to cook and don't cook often but today I tried the easiest
Crock-Pot Recipe for French-Dips. It turned out SO yummy. Even the kids liked it ... both of them. I'll definitely make these again. Mine looked just like this!