
Sunday, April 8, 2012

Easter 2012

I have to forewarn you ... I am posting a ton of pictures from Easter.  We went to Chrissy and Larry's house to celebrate again this year.  Here's a link to see pictures from last year.  It was extra special because Brian was able to come with us.  We had so much fun and I took so many pictures, I just couldn't narrow them down very well.  It was a fun-filled day.

The kids doing an Easter Word Search.

Chrissy planned a scavenger hunt for the kids (there were my 2 plus Jace, Chrissy's nephew).  Each child had their own color of eggs (filled with a clue) and they all went to different places so the surprise wouldn't get ruined.  They loved running from one clue to the next.  Granny helps Kyla read this one.

Now where do I go?


More running.

The boys.  They get along so well.

At the end of the scavenger hunt, the kids got a huge basket full of goodies and a medal.

Kyla and her goodies.

Next, it was on to the Easter Egg Hunt.  We all contributed eggs so the kids had over 120 eggs to hunt.  Some with money in them!  Lacie is hard at work hiding them.

Aunt Sue hiding eggs.

Chrissy ... she's one of the nicest people I have ever known and she always makes us feel so welcome.

I'm surprised I got him to slow down for this photo.

A hunting we will go ...

The kids shoveling candy into their mouths as fast as they can.

We played a great game with the hula-hoop.  Everyone held hands and you had to pass through the hula hoop.  If the music stopped while it was touching you, you were out.  I got down to the final-four.  I must have mad skills, huh?

The boys were the final 2.

I had no idea how good Mason was at hula-hooping.  He can do it forever and even walk around while doing it.  It was cute, wish I'd gotten it on video.  He was quite the little show-off.

They got trophies after the Egg Hunt.

Kyla with Sue's puppy.  Is that the cutest little fur ball, or what?

Hands down, no question about it ... the best picture of the day.  I love it.

Time for horseshoes.  Like a said, a fun-filled day.

Brian had a good run but no match for Larry.

We enjoyed a ton of food and played Catch Phrase into the evening.  I can't wait until next year.

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