
Monday, February 18, 2008

More snow play.

It's been a few days since I've blogged. I've just been so busy with work and my in-laws were in town and we worked on our floor all weekend. We're almost done with the flooring, we're done with all of the common areas. Now we just have baseboards and finish work to do... then we'll start on the craft room and the kids playroom. We're going to paint that room first though.

Something cute that M said... he was outside with me on Saturday and I was pulling weeds and I had my arm out to reach for a weed and he said "that's a really good stretch mom". Where does he gets these things from? Maybe they do stretching exercises at school or something.

Brian and I are absolutely exhausted today. Feels like we have a newborn again. We played musical beds last night. We went to bed last night right on schedule at 10:00 pm. Around 1 am K woke up crying so Brian took her downstairs to try to get her to sleep again. She fell right asleep but when he put her in her crib she cried and tried to climb out (oh yeah, she can get out now so we're going to be shopping for big girl beds soon). So no crying it out for her. Then he brought her to our room, I sent him to the couch (so at least one of us could get some sleep). She was so restless and wouldn't hold still and I had tried everything (I even went to the guest bed for a while but I was afraid she would fall out of my tall bed). At approx 3:30 I went to get Brian and told him that he had to relieve me for a while because I was miserably tired. So, I stayed on the couch (freezing to death I might ad) while he went upstairs with her. At 4:00 we're both up now because she threw up and had terrible gas. Brian stripped the bed and let me sleep a little longer on the couch because I had to get up and take M to school. K never fell back asleep so basically she was up since 1 am. Bet you could guess what her mood has been all day today. She's asleep right now thank goodness. Please let tonight be better.

We went to the snow again yesterday with our friends Monte and Dyan and their 2 kiddos. We left K at daycare because she absolutely hates the snow. It was a beautifully warm day. Almost too warm for sweatshirts. Had a picnic lunch up there and the kids played and had a blast. What a good day we all had. Of course, here are a few pictures.

D and M on the sled together. D's 5 years old and so brave. See how he's just on his knees. They laughed the whole way down this time. The 2nd time they went though, M cried because he had to put his hand down to keep them from turning over and he didn't have gloves on because we couldn't find any.

M and I. Laughing hysterically.

Daddy's turn... the powdery (is that a word?) snow kept shooting up and hitting M in the face.

Where did he go?

The anticipation... M kept his eyes closed.

Here are a few of my favorite things right now...

C.O. Bigelow Mentha Cinnamint Lip Shine. I'm using this all the time on my lips. 3 for $15 at Bath and Body works. Feels great.


For generations, Nestle® Chocolate Abuelita® has been an essential part of the Hispanic kitchen. Its delicious and frothy touch, gives an exquisite “calor de hogar” taste. Use it to bring authentic taste to your more traditional dishes, like “mole”. And for those times when you have little time and big cravings, enjoy Abuelita Instantáneo any time of the year.

Brian turned me on to this stuff. I get the one on the far right and it's just in and big block and you melt it in milk on the stovetop and it is the yummiest hot chocolate ever! Has kind of a spicy flavor. Brian's mom used to make this for them when they were growing up. Try it, you'll be hooked.

And my 3rd favorite thing right now... I've haven't bought anything from there yet but I look there all the time for inspiration and unique gift ideas. It's kind of like ebay but things aren't up for auction... they are just up for purchase and all items are handmade. You can find anything from pottery, artwork, handmade cards and crafts, purses, camera and diaper bags, handmade jewelry, bows and hair things for babies, clothing and so much more. Give it a look.

Well, that's all for now.... Melissa

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