Brian was working and we didn't have anything going on this weekend so I called J's mom to see if we could stop by and take him to the park for the afternoon. It was M's idea ... he loves seeing J and talks about him often. While walking to the car, M looked at J and said, "I missed you, J" with the cutest smile on his face. They have been friends since preschool and have quite a bond. They ran and played at the park for 2 hours!
It worked out for me too because after the park, I was able to drop the boys off at J's house and take only K to Costco. We looked at everything and shared lots of yummy samples. What a difference, only taking one child to the store. It was quite pleasant.
While at the park, they talked me into Popsicles. Of course, he and J got the same ones. How cute is this photo?
Couldn't decide. I love this one too.
We had K's friend (L) over the other day after school. It was her first real play date and she was so excited ... it was her "special day". They were very busy ... inside, outside, upstairs, downstairs, dress-up, tea parties, air hockey, Littlest Pets, My Little Ponies, grocery store and on and on. They had fun for sure.
A cute one of K playing air hockey.
K brushed her teeth with some "NEW toothpaste" the other morning. She said it was so yummy ... it was a tube of Petroleum Jelly. Yuck. I better go and put that away.
She is a walking infomercial ... while walking through Costco today, "Too much stuff ... not enough space." She had seen the Space Bags. What a crack-up.
K's been sick and was sent home from school on Thursday after laying on the floor and saying she was tired. When we got her home, I checked her temp and it was 102.1. She was puny on Thursday and Friday but is doing much better today. Temp is gone but she still has a little sore throat.
M's been carrying around a small notebook with him lately and he calls it his journal. The other day, he took a poll at school about what every one's favorite color was. Red won. His writing has improved dramatically when he tries. He really has to focus and concentrate to write well and even holds his mouth tense while writing. He wrote out a few Thank You's to give out for his birthday presents. It was painful and he started whining after one or two ... so if you didn't get one, I'm very sorry. He is absolutely obsessed with all things Indiana Jones ... even more so than he ever was about Star Wars. He uses earplugs connected with a cord as his whip. He's been listening much better lately ... my biggest challenge with him is his eating and how he wants to snack all the time. It's like pulling teeth to even get him to eat fruit these days.
M still has a few weeks of school left and then starts back in Mid-August so it doesn't feel like we'll have much time off. I'm going to work as little as possible in July so we can go on a few camping trips and hang out together. Before we know it, school will be back in and we'll be back to having to go on the weekends. I can't believe I'm saying this but I wish Summer Break was a little longer. I may take those words back in a few weeks though.